Data Center Market Report

  • Vacancy and absorption trends in Chicago market
  • Why more companies are putting their next data center in the Chicago, Illinois market
  • Four demand trends in the Chicago data center market that make it so attractive to data center users
  • Why data center companies are embracing the Chicago market
  • The latest Chicago data center market supply details on who the key players are

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What's Inside

The Chicago region is one of the largest and most active data center markets in the United States, occupying a central place in America’s geography and mission-critical infrastructure. The Windy City is a major hub for Internet and financial infrastructure, with active communities of data center users and service providers.

Download this report to understand the Chicago data center market characteristics, trends and major players in the region. 

The report answers questions such as: 

  • What are the relevant differences between the “Downtown Chicago” data center market and the “Suburban Chicago” data center market? 
  • What are the top four reasons that Chicago is attractive to data center colocation customers? 
  • What are the key aspects of the business environment in Chicago, especially economic development and incentives? 
  • How do the offerings of the major data center companies in Chicago compare? 

About The Author

Data Center Frontier charts the future of data centers and cloud computing. We write about what’s next for the Internet, and the innovations that will take us there. The data center is our prism. We tell the story of the digital economy through the facilities that power the cloud and the people who build them.

Data Center Frontier is edited by Rich Miller, the data center industry’s most experienced journalist. For more than 15 years, Rich has profiled the key role played by data centers in the Internet revolution.

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Data Center Frontier Special Report

RagingWire Data Centers 
is now the 
Global Data Centers division 
of NTT

NTT Ltd. a world-leading global network and technology services provider, launched its new Global Data Centers division, which incorporates RagingWire, e-shelter, Gyron, Netmagic, NTT Indonesia Nexcenter and other data center companies that formerly sat under the NTT Communications brand. 

This division operates one of the largest data center platforms in the world, now with over 160 data centers spanning more than 20 countries and regions, and providing our clients and partners with access to a powerful digital ecosystem with global reach and local expertise. 

RagingWire Data Centers is now the 
Global Data Centers division of NTT